Thursday, September 20

local economy, kitchens and cookbook

Albert Bates is a renowned character in the eco-village and intentional community movements. his latest book (The Post-petroleum Survival Guide and Cookbook: Recipes for Changing Times) is quite informative, entertaining and full of practical recommendations. i really like i must say. last year while he was visiting the Los Angeles Eco-Village (the location where the bicycle kitchen was born) he visited the kitchen and now he's spreading good word in europe. in the following excerpt from an interview conducted in dublin he mentions the kitchen in a response about building local economies:

from the biciblog email

Hello, When I posted a piece on sharing the road, from an Arizona cyclist this weekend, and began the latest batch of debate on the subject on my Blog, The Cycling Dude, I had no idea another tragedy was happening in our community.

I got the following e-mail, from a reporter at the OC Register, yesterday, and pass it along because of the last part of it:

Hello Kiril,

I am a reporter for the Register. I am working on a story about Sandy
Julienne of Huntington Beach, a cyclist who was struck and killed by a big
rig while riding in Irvine on Saturday. My understanding is he was well
known in the cycling community. I am wondering if you knew him, knew of him
or know anyone who does, as we are interested in writing a news obituary.

It seems we've had an unfortunate patterm of these tragedies lately here in
Orange County. I would also appreciate your thoughts and suggestions on how
to improve safety and interaction between vehicles and bicycles.


Erika Chavez
Staff Writer
The Orange County Register
(949) 553-2914

Here is my post on the Arizona essay, and I am encouraging anyone with thoughts on the subject, and the comments made so far, to weigh in:

The Register had a brief mention of what is known about the Irvine incident so far, and this has so far spurred 2 pages of comments.

I replied to 4 of them, then because of the tendency for such comments to get deleted for arbitrary reasons, included the comments, and my responses, with 4 pics taken when I visited the accident site this morning, in a post on my blog, again, hoping to spur discussion:

Please spread the word to anyone you think might be interested in tossing in their 2 cents.


Santa Ana, CA.

Putting the ING in BICYCLING Since January 2003

The Cycling Dude