Saturday, May 6

Rider Temporarily Down

Morgan from the A-house had a serious accident a few days ago. The doctors say he will not have any permanent damage, but after he has surgery tomorrow he will have a long recovery.

So . . . now is a good time to step up and turn out your love for Morgan and your support for his housemates at the A-house and his family that has flown in. Drop by the A-house with any of that love and support. Get well wishes for Morgan. Vegan food for the house. Whatever you think you would really appreciate in such a situation. Or send positive intentions through the many dimensions of the universal fabric for Morgan's quick return to being the most insane distance cyclist (that still manages to keep it real) in LA.

210 N. Rampart Blvd, LA, CA, 90026

His housemates have a lot going on, what with finding a new A-dwelling and regular life and stuff, so be sensitive to their time when showing support.

Bike Love,

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